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More Detailed Feeback from Melbourne

How useful did you find the online software installation instructions?

76%Very useful: I required no assistance with installing the software
24%Somewhat useful: I required minimal assistance with installing the software
0%Not very useful: I required significant assistance with installing the software I was unable to get most of the software installed

How did you feel about the schedule?

Too earlyFineToo late
9:00am start3%93%3%
4:30pm finish0%97%3%

The lunch and tea breaks were:

3%Too short
93%A good length
3%Too long

What do you think is the ideal length of time for a bootcamp?

3%1 day
33%2 days
50%3 days
13%1 week

Rate the following topics in terms of how important you think they are for a weather/climate science audience.

Must be taughtTake it or leave itTake it out
Intro to Python86%7%7%
Program design and testing97%3%0%
Version control83%14%3%
Regular expressions43%50%7%

In general, you found the content:

0%Much too hard: I was struggling to keep up!
14%Slightly too hard
66%Just right
17%Slightly too easy
3%Much too easy: I was struggling to stay awake!

"Online office hours" is a service provided by Software Carpentry where you can get online assistance over a 2 hour period once a week. Which item best describes your current engagement with that service?

0%I've attended in the past but probably won't again
7%I've attended in the past and will do so again
55%I've never attended but probably will in future
38%I've never attended and probably never will

If a bootcamp (of similar content) was held in conjunction with the AMOS conference in Hobart next February, do you think you would attend (i.e. as a refresher)?


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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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