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Software Carpentry Lesson Maintenance: Be Part of the Conversation!

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

Come share your experience and ideas about maintaining the Software Carpentry lessons

We invite all members of the Software Carpentry community to participate in two upcoming events centered around maintaining our lessons:

  • Community Call this week on Thursday, September 21
  • Task Force for the future of the Software Carpentry lesson organization

Community Call

We will be discussing lesson maintenance on this week’s community call, happening on Thursday.
On the call, we’ll gather community aspirations and concerns about the current lessons and their maintenance. We also will ask for everyone’s input on how we can best support and recognize the valuable work of our maintainers and contributors. See the etherpad for times, agenda and to sign up. Anyone from the community is welcome to join.

Task Force

As the plans for creating an umbrella “Carpentries” organization continue, it’s time to start thinking about what the Software Carpentry lesson organization will look like moving forward. To that end, I’m organizing a community task force to discuss the future of the Software Carpentry lessons and their oversight as we transition into a lesson organization of the future merged Carpentries.

Have you wanted to be more involved with some of the decision-making around Software Carpentry lessons and the merger process? This is an excellent way to do so! It’s only a two-month commitment, so this is also a great opportunity to
take on some community leadership responsibility and see what it’s like. Sign up on this etherpad to join us!

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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